Values Based Leadership, now the biggest and best management game in town?
We started with ‘managing by instruction’ Do it my way, I know best, if you don’t like it you know where to go, my way or the highway, follow the rules, I am in charge ……….. Then we moved on to ‘managing by objectives’.
Achieving your objectives ‘come hell or high water’ is paramount within this paradigm – whatever havoc you create on the way. The annual appraisal round determines your future and your salary. In a time when networking, collaboration, ambiguity, and complexity are the norm is this really an effective way to manage?
Are we now moving into an era where ‘ managing by values ’ is the norm? Where the focus is on doing the right thing and making sure behaviours match our aspirations. Is the pursuit of Values Based Leadership now the biggest and best management game in town?
Why are values so important in an organisation anyway? Well, there are at least three key reasons. Firstly, with so much complexity values can offer guiding principles to help people. Secondly, values can provide a common and consistent language for people to help with resolving individual conflicts. Lastly, values can be motivational by helping people to find meaning and purpose in their lives, and in their organisation.
To Read the full article by Andy Radka click here…
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Attribution: This post was written by Andy Radka. The original source content and full article can be found here: [web link]